While new pet owners might not be aware of a pet threat, the following are the standard tests that your dog might undergo to ascertain its health condition.
Predict your Cat’s Age
A closer look at your cat’s appearance can help you identify their age.
Maltese Dog Breeds
It’s believed that the Maltese got their name from the island of Malta. The breed ranks as one of the oldest dogs in Europe. Its warm personality makes it one of the most sought toy dogs globally.
Getting Your Dog and Cat Along
Over the years the rivalry witnessed between cats and dogs has become an acceptable practice. Because of this, many pet owners prefer adopting either of the two as opposed to both of them at a go.
Simple Commands For Your Dog
Dog commands are the best ways of kick-starting meaningful communication with your pet.
Dogs in Winter
Caring for your dog during winter is vital just as it is to you and any other member of your family.
Laser Toys; Are They Good For Your Cat?
Cats get amused by laser toys. The little moving dot tights make them even more interesting to your cat.
Understanding Your Cat’s Purr
Have you ever wondered what your Cat was thinking when they were purring in your lap?