Predict your Cat’s Age

Predict your Cat’s Age with these Simple Tips.

Predicting your cat’s age might not be as easy as it seems, especially if you don’t know their birth date. However, a closer look at your cat’s appearance can help you identify their age.

There are so many other factors that contribute to the present appearance of your cat. For instance, if your cat was a stray before adoption or didn’t receive appropriate care in their earlier ages, they might appear older than they should. The tips below seek to give you a rough idea into the prediction of your fur friend’s age;


The newly born kittens don’t have any teeth. However, at two weeks you might notice some deciduous incisors. At the fourth week, expect to see deciduous canines and by the sixth week’s deciduous pre-molars emerge. You should, however, expect them to have all the baby teeth in place by the 8th week. At one year, your cat’s teeth are white and firm. A few yellowing sets in at year two with advancements up to the 10th year with more wearing. It continues to get worse after the tenth year.


Young to middle-aged cats have lean, strong muscles and a shiny, healthy looking coat. At age eight and nine, they begin to lose muscle tone and mass.


Cats over seven years are at risk of developing lenticular sclerosis. Here the lens loses their color and you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Claws and Feet

The claws of your cat grow with age. At middle-age, they tend to be longer and drier. Their footpads also get firm as they grow. They might even crack.


Most cats reach maturity at one year. However, some breeds such as Maine Coon experience growth to the fourth year. As cats age, they lose the youthful look and appear more filled up.

SOURCE: Pet MD, Cat World, The Nest

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