Symptoms that Indicate your Dog might be Sick

While dogs are unable to communicate whenever they feel ill, it is wise as a dog owner to know the early signs of sickness.

The Condition of your Dog

As a dog owner, you would probably do everything to ensure that your pet is healthy. However, aside from the regular vet checkups, there are very few ways you can tell that your dog is sick. Even with the regular checkups, vaccinations and a healthy diet cannot prevent the animal from getting sick. That means as a dog person you have the extra burden of having to always watch out for any conditions. Specific signs and behaviors do require seriousness and a proper veterinarian examination. If your dog indicates any of the following symptoms, you may need to seek health care services.

Behavioral Symptoms

1. Sleeplessness
2. Too much sleeping
3. Trembling
4. Unusual scratching
5. Loss of appetite
6. Weakness or lethargy
7. Physical signs
8. Loss of weight
9. Trouble urinating
10. Wounds
11. Fever
12. Excessive coughing and breathing problems
13. Bloated abdomen
14. Vomiting and Diarrhea

What You can do About your Pet’s Condition

The health of your dog is a significant aspect to observe. Consequently, if you happen to encounter any of the mentioned signs, it is wise to get medical attention right away. While new pet owners might not be aware of pet treat, the following are the standard tests that your dog might undergo to ascertain its health condition.

1. Urinalysis to help identify any kidney disease or urinary tract infection
2. Blood tests/count
3. Tick-borne and heartworm disease tests for heartworm infection and tick-based diseases
4. Fecal analysis to identify and treat intestinal parasites

If you are in search of more quality and firsthand information on your dog health condition, the best source is always the veterinarian. Additionally, exercise and proper diet can assist in keeping away dog health issues.

SOURCES: CDC, Google Books, Sage Pup  

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