Your 10 year old Cat

What to do when your cat is 10

Better cat care requires medical advances to enhance the cat’s lifespan. That includes feeding the cats special dietary meals designed for elderly cats as they enter their senior years. And similar to humans, elderly cats need adjustments when they grow old. It is important to  pay close attention to their diet, activity levels, and grooming routines. Here are ways to ensure your senior cat is living comfortably.

Regular senior checkups 

Cats usually become fragile when they age and their health declines if these underlying issues aren’t addressed. Therefore, to ensure your senior cat is healthy, you should visit the vet regularly for checkups. More importantly, visit the vet when you notice a behavioral change and suspect your cat is sick or has a medical complication.

Make adjustments accordingly

You can make small adjustments at home to adjust the limitations that affects the cat’s mobility. Here are simple modifications you can make at home;

  • Add small pet steps, stable boxes, short chairs or perches so that your cat can easily access the play areas with ease.
  • Adjust the napping spots and make them spacious and wider to prevent them from falling when napping.
  • Ensure the litter box is easily accessible. Use large, spacious boxes so that your cat has enough space in the litter box.
  • If you have a large home, place litter boxes on each floor so that your cat doesn’t have difficult accessing them.
  • Since some senior cats can lose their eyesight when they age, you can place small night-lights spread in the home to avoid then getting disoriented.
  • Also, senior cats can lose mobility and flexibility, it can become difficult to reach some spots within the home. That said, play close attention to proper grooming to keep the cat looking presentable and healthy.

Remember to place the food bowls strategically in a place that’s easily accessible. And if there are other felines in your household, ensure you have enough food bowls. You can spice up their food by adding a bit of freeze dried meat.


As your cat grows older, you should create play sessions to keep it active and healthy. Always try to play within your cat’s limitations, especially when it grows older. Lastly, check for behavioral changes as this can indicate a health issue.

References: Catster, Hillspet, Vetstreet


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