When do cats need shots

When do cats need shots?

How often should you take your cat to the vet for shots, as well as other essential preventive measures such as heartworm and flea treatments? Read on to learn why it is important to take your cat for shots on a regular basis.

But before we discuss the importance of taking your cat to the vet for shots, let’s first answer this question. ‘’How often should your cat get shots?” Well, the answer to this question varies depending on lifestyle, immune system and geographic location. Put simply, there is no straightforward answer to this question. Nonetheless, you can follow a set of guidelines to ensure you understand cat vaccines as well as preventive measures.

Do cats require regular flea prevention?

Do cats require flea prevention or is it only essential for outdoor cats? Before we address this question, it is important to remember that fleas are contagious and can easily be transmitted to all household pets. And though flea prevention is important for all pets, keep in mind that fleas have an outstanding capacity of surviving and spreading. More importantly, indoor cats can also get flea infestation regardless of whether they have contact with other pets or not.

However, this doesn’t mean that your cat requires monthly flea prevention. Cats that don’t have skin problems can easily get by when you use occasional flea preventative applications. This means that flea prevention is option particularly for indoor cats. Nonetheless, be aware that fleas have excellent survival skills and it’s common that most cat owners are often unaware that their pets have significant infestation.

Heartworm prevention

Is heartworm prevention important for your cat? Heartworm disease can also affect indoor cats as it is spread to pets by mosquitos. And while outdoor cats are more vulnerable to mosquitos that spread this disease, indoor cats can also be infected by these parasites. For that reason, heartworm prevention is important for all household cats. The best thing about heartworm prevention is that it also prevents the onset of intestinal worms that can easily spread to human beings.

Are vaccine booster shots important for cats?

While there is no definite answer to this question, it is important to ensure your cat receives booster shots at least once after a period of three years. For example, kittens should receive shots to prevent feline panleukopenia. After all, preventions is definitely better than cure.


If you are not sure if your cat is supposed to receive shots, you should consult your vet who will attend to your cat’s specific needs. 

Reference: Catster, Webmd, My pet needs that

Copyright: Local Value


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