Strange Cat Behaviors: What Do They Mean?

There is no denying the fact that cats make great companions, but occasionally they do things that leave you baffled in complete confusion. Those strange cat quirks have been the subject of numerous cat videos shared on social media sites. If you are accustomed to dogs, then you will find cats’ communication, and interaction can be quite intriguing. It is these unique behaviors, like their love for sleep and affectionate head-butting, that makes them invaluable to their owners. Here is an explanation of those curious cat behaviors.

Too much sleep

Domestic cats love their napping sessions, and it may even seem like they have been genetically designed to sleep. Cats can sleep for up to 16 hours per day, which is helpful as it helps them to conserve energy. Most of the time, they are in a light sleep where they can wake up quickly since you will notice their ears twitching whenever they hear sounds.

Staring at You

There is nothing quite disconcerting as the unblinking eyes of your cat directly staring at you. Don’t worry; your cat is not trying out their mind control skills on you. The stare is usually because the cat wants to get fed or entice you into playing with them.

Nonstop cries

Some cats are more vocal, especially oriental and Siamese breeds. The unending cries could be that the cat once you to gain your attention for a snack or it could also signify illness. Trust your instincts and respond accordingly.

Chewing on plastic

If your cats like eating various strange items like plastic, wool blankets, and wiring, then it could be that they are suffering from pica. The pica may be due to medical disorders like gastrointestinal issues, or it may also arise from anxiety.


The kneading behavior in cats traces back to when they were kittens, and they would start pressing on their mother’s tummy for stimulating milk flow. Cats also kneed when they are feeling content and relaxed. Kneading should not be an issue unless your cat has big claws that need to be trimmed down.


While some of these strange behaviors that your cat does are endearing or silly, others can become problematic. Although you should always try to address most of these common behavioral problems at home, don’t hesitate to contact your vet if you have further concerns about any odd cat behaviors.

References: Pet Health Network, Readers Digest, ASPCA Pet Insurance
Copyright: Local Value


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