Stop Your Dog From Jumping

Stop Your Dog From Jumping

Getting a new puppy can be very exciting. The fun personalities, playfulness, kisses, and wet noses are always adorable. However, if that puppy grows into a big dog and continues to exhibit the same behaviors, then you have a problem. Dogs that jump up on family members as a way of saying hello can easily prevent guests from coming to your home or make it challenging to enter your home. Learn how to stop that behavior here below.

Why Do Dogs Jump Up?

Remember that a dog doesn’t mean to upset you when they jump up on you. Dogs think that this behavior is a sort of greeting, primarily if they not taught differently. Both puppies and adult dogs can be trained to avoid this behavior. Your family will benefit from fewer torn clothes, scratched legs, and also children getting knocked down due to excited dogs. 

How to Train Your Dog to Stop Jumping

Start the training by leaving home and then returning after a few minutes. When the dog jumps up to greet you, you can give a firm command like stay or sit. Walk out once more and repeat the entry and command process. Repeat the exercise until your dog stops jumping up every time you enter your home. Also, ensure to give plenty of praise or treats to reinforce the positive behavior.

If your dog jumps when you’re indoors, start by crossing your arms and turning your back away from the dog. That way you remove your hands from easy access by the dog so that they don’t keep on playing or licking your hands. 

As dogs love attention, they will likely walk around and face you. At this point, give a firm sit command making sure to reward when they obey. If not, you ignore your dog once again, and you turn around. Repeat this training until the dog stops jumping and obeys your commands. 

For success with these training methods, it is best to ask everyone in your home to always do similar actions whenever the dog starts jumping. Let your family know the reasons you’re training the dog and ask for their help during their interactions with the dog.

What to Avoid

Avoid negative physical reinforcement, where you squeeze the dog’s paws or hit them when they jump up. You can end up causing severe pain and damage to your furry friends. Ultimately, your dogs could even become more aggressive or fearful. 


Don’t forget to give treats and also praise your dogs every time they stop jumping up. It helps the dog understand that their behavior is positive and acceptable as well as that you are happy with them. If you’ve tried to train your dog and aren’t getting anywhere, consider consulting a trainer or dog behaviorist for help. 

References: PetfulThe happypuppy site , Humane society

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