Puppy Care

Best Puppy Care Tips for You

Puppies might look adorable, but they are much harder to handle compared to their adult counterparts. For starters, their comprehension of the environment is not as fast, and they do not respond well emotionally to threats or violent acts. As such, your puppy must find a comfortable environment and receive the right upbringing tactics to mature into a healthy dog.  Here are some tips on how to make that happen.

Puppy care tips

Make your home puppy proof

Your newly adopted puppy is like a newborn baby. As such, your home needs to be puppy-ready. Hide things such as loose electrical cords or cleaning supplies. Ensure areas with strong perfumes or soap are secured and hide all cotton balls. Remember always to keep the toilet seat closed as well.

Introduction and familiarisation

We advise you to bring your puppy home on a leash, preferably after a walk and calmly introduce them to their new home. Remove the leash when you place your puppy on their bed. Feeding should be regular as well as exercises such as walks or playing. Puppies naturally ‘go’ five to 30 minutes after eating to keep the potty close after a meal.

More so, we advise you to schedule two to four-hour potty breaks for your puppy after bringing them home as they get more familiar with their surroundings.

Mouth training and punishment

Your puppy will use its mouth for almost all activities, and to them all contact is innocent. If they mouth people a lot, redirect that through chewy toys. Remember that not every accident in your house will be your puppy’s fault. As such, refrain from any form of punishment and calmly clean up the mess. If you punish them and you are wrong, they will not make the connection.

Vet and check-ups

A close relationship with your veterinary is crucial in the early stages of your puppy’s life. We can offer advice plus professional services to help raise your puppy into a healthy dog. Canine health insurance is also an excellent way to ensure your puppy stays in optimal health.


While the tips above come in handy when raising your puppy, the most important is patience. An adopted puppy learns its boundaries every day and getting them right might take time. If you notice any issues or weird behavior from your pup, contact us immediately for expert vet services.






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