Protect Your Dog From Fall Dangers

We are always eagerly anticipating the fall season mainly because of the holidays that come with it. It is a time for Halloween and many other parties where we invite our loved ones to celebrate with us. For dog owners, it is also time to play and have fun with our pets. However certain things during this season can harm dogs and ruin the holidays for us. Here are some of the fall dangers that can affect your dog.

Common Fall Dangers to Dogs

Halloween Candy

Halloween time is one of the most awaited holidays for this season. There is no Halloween without candy. Unfortunately, these candy and candy wrappers can be harmful to your dog. Pets can access candy easily since it is usually all over the place. If your pet consumes candy, it can cause gastrointestinal upset or even chocking. Dogs that have eaten candy show signs of seizures vomiting, diarrhea or appear to be extra hyper.

Plant Decorations

We love to decorate our homes during the holiday season. It is crucial to know some decorating plants are harmful to dogs. Plants such as poinsettias result in oral irritation and could also cause gastrointestinal upset. Other plants that could harm pets are Chrysanthemums, holly, and mistletoe. Ensure that plants Decorations are not accessible to your Pets.

Temperature Changes

The fall season comes with weather changes. This season can be cold in certain places. Some dogs especially young ones and those with a weak immune system will require warm clothing. This can protect them from getting ill.


Just like human beings, Dogs also experience seasonal allergies. Some signs of allergies include sneezing itching watery eyes and coughing.

How to Avoid these Dangers

Ensure that all edible items and food that are not appropriate for pets are stored away. Keep your trash cans in places that your dog cannot reach. Doing this will protect your dog from illnesses and hazards such as chocking.

Contact the Veterinary-If you see your dog exhibiting signs of any disease, contact the Vet immediately. Most of these dangers are treated quickly if you reach a veterinary. For every pet owner, it is vital that you have a vet’s contact all the time.

Prepare your Pet for the season-It is critical that you prepare to avoid certain dangers such as allergies. Buy warm sweaters and jackets before the season in case your dog may require them.


Fall seasons should be a time to celebrate, but we cannot do that if our lovely pets are sick. Ensure you take every necessary precaution to prevent your dogs from anything that may cause harm.

References: Pet Health Network, PetMD, Chewy
Copyright: Local Value


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