Pet Dental Health

Help keep your pet free from dental ailments

Just like humans, our pets are also prone to the accumulation of bacteria, plaque, tartar, cavities, viruses and bleeding within their gums and teeth. Similarly, pet oral health problems are avoidable if the appropriate and timely dental care for the pet is effectively carried out to eliminate chances of such conditions. Apart from the vet’s dental cleaning option, renowned companies have created the essentials that will ensure you brush your pet’s teeth daily and prevent plaque buildup.

Steps to your pet’s dental care

Things you’ll need

1. Toothbrush

Usually, a human toothbrush will work well for most pets, with a child-sized brush being the ideal choice to fit and match the pet’s mouth.

2. Toothpaste

Human toothpaste is unsafe for pets since it contains toxic ingredients that would end up harming the animal. There are canine toothpaste types that are designed specifically for dogs and cats.

3. The cleaning process

Routine conditioning- it’s not appropriate to jump right away into brushing, and the best way is to introduce the pet to the process while young as a daily routine. If already grown, you could get the pet to lie in your lap and ensure it is comfortable enough to allow you to touch the inside of its mouth, lips, and teeth.

Get a small amount of toothpaste and let the pet lick a bit. Begin brushing gently and slowing without putting much stress, forcing or struggling with the pet. If the cat or dog resists in the first trials, it’s wise to back off and try it when the pet is comfortable.

If the pet is accommodative to the brushing, pay attention to avoid scrubbing too hard since it can lead to pain and discomfort. Take note also of the back of the teeth since most of the severe dental conditions tend to hide at the end.

4. Possible alternatives

While not every pet is accommodative of the brushing process at home, there is always the option of taking the animal to the vet for a professional dental cleanup. However, there are additional tips on how you can slow down these dental problems for your furry friend. There is the option of introducing safe toys which are the pet version of oral health products for people. Feeding the pet a high-quality diet is also ideal, and the vet is an excellent source of information on what to feed and not to feed your pet.

Sources: DVM 360, Veterinary Practice News, AKC, Humane Society


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