New Puppy

Checklist for a New Puppy

There are few events more exciting as compared to welcoming a new pet into your home. Since a puppy needs lots of attention and care, you have to make sure that you are well prepared before your furry friend arrives. Here is a checklist of all the essential puppy items you should have in place before you get distracted by a happy, licking puppy at home.

Get dog toys

When puppies are teething, they feel the need to start chewing on items. Hence, you should ensure that you have a sufficient supply of quality chew toys or else your furniture, shoes or purses will be targeted. Also, since inappropriate chewing can be costly or even dangerous for your puppy, set them up for a successful transition by providing the appropriate dog toys.

Invest in dog treats

Everyone deserves a treat every once in a while, and your puppies are no different. Dog treats not only make it easier to train your furry friends, but it also helps to enhance the puppy-human bond through positive reinforcement. However, make sure you don’t overdo it since the treats are supposed to add a bit of flavor and not replace healthy meals.

Healthy dog food

Get the right food that is adequate for their current developmental stage. Age-specific dog foods will allow your puppy to grow naturally without consuming too many calories. If you are unsure of what to give your puppy, consult a veterinarian to make sure that the foods you are using are the ideal option for your pet.

Set up the bedding area

Puppies need a clean, safe and comfortable sleeping sport. Most owners use crate training for both house training as well as providing the slumber spot. Ensure you use a sizeable crate and a comfortable crate pad to give your dog a nice place to relax.

Buy cleaning supplies

Puppies are quite messy, especially before they get used to the new environment. Hence, having a decent cleaning supply is invaluable to any pet owner. Pet safe cleansers are the best option since they also safeguard your dog’s health.

Plan for dog grooming

Your puppy will undoubtedly need a clean-up at some stage. You should buy a shampoo that is designed for dogs since their skin is very sensitive and it is vulnerable to the chemicals and stripping cleansers that are used in shampoos created for people. Also, get a brush as brushing keeps your puppy’s coat healthy and shiny.

Dog collar and leash

Puppies are not born with an inbuilt understanding of leashes or callers. You must train them early on how to get familiarized with using a collar and leash as part of their socialization skills. Long leashes are ideal for older dogs while puppies should use short leashes to ensure that they are always under your control.

In conclusion, you should establish a connection with your local veterinarian since your puppy will need ongoing care, including vaccination shots and regular checkups. 

References: Pet MD, My Dogs Name, Pet MD

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