How long do Cats live?

What is a Cat’s Average Lifespan?

To determine the average life expectancy of a cat, it is essential to consider several factors including health, diet and environment. Is the cat neutered or spayed? This also determines the cat’s lifespan.

Neutering and spaying eliminates the chance of the cat developing common infections that affect the cat’s reproductive system when they age. Recent studies suggest that with dietary and medical advancements, a cat can live for at least 20 cat years. Generally, the lifespan of a domestic cat is about 15.1 years.

Cat breed

Research further suggests that cat breed can affects it’s lifespan. Based on our findings, mixed cat breeds are hardier and thereby love longer. But if you have questions concerning your cat’s longevity, you can consult experts on hybrid and purebred cat breeds.

On average, male cats usually have a shorted lifespan than female cats. On the other hand, indoor cats have a longer lifespan than wild cats. Homeless, feral and wild cats live shorter lives when compared to domestic cats.

How long do indoor cats live?

Most people often ask, ‘’How long do indoor cats live?’’. Well, overwhelming research shows that indoor cats have a longer lifespan than homeless cats. This is because indoor cats get to live away from the dangers and risks of the harsh outside world. More importantly, they are vaccinated and sterilized often and this increases their lifespan. 

While indoor cats often get more attention than outdoor cats, they should always get adequate exercise to keep obesity at bay. Fortunately, most pet owners understand the value of exercise for their hairy friends.

How long do outdoor cats live?

Outdoor cats generally have a shorter lifespan due to harsh challenges of the outside world. But this will depend on where the cat lives. For example, does it live in a suburban, remote or rural location? Are other outdoor cats living nearby? 

Are there stay or feral cats nearby? Increased exposure to ticks, fleas and illnesses ultimately lowers the lifespan of an outdoor cat. And due to many unpredictable variables, the average lifespan of an outdoor cat is 5 cat years.


If you want to learn ways on how to increase your cat’s lifespan, you can visit the vet to get dietary suggestions and other tips geared towards enhancing the cat’s overall health.

References: Catster, Sciencealert, The spruce Pets

Copyright: Local Value

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