Deceiving a Dog

What To Know About Dog Deception

Miscommunication can be very frustrating especially when someone doesn’t make an effort to explain what they want or lie outrightly. It’s easy for you to take this kind of behavior personal even if there was no ill intention. More often than not, we never acknowledge when we do this to other people. And yet, this is the kind of behavior we project on our furry friends regularly without knowing it.

Most people tend to mislead their furry friends by not having clear intentions and giving them underserved attention when it’s not necessary. And as a result, dogs become aggressive, confused, fearful and frustrated, but you can remedy this problem very easy.

Avoid deceiving your furry friend

If you don’t have clear intentions, your dog cannot tell what you really want. For instance, if you want to order your dog to sit down but you say the commands in a weak way, your furry friend will read your energy negatively as though you aren’t sure what you want. If you don’t portray confidence in your overall body language in the way you talk or walk, then your canine friend will try to demonstrate leadership because you have failed to show control.

When you confuse your canine friend enough times, he may start to ignore you completely after being accustomed not to follow your commands. If the dog believes you aren’t serious when you make commands, then it will stop paying attention altogether. I’m sure you have heard of this statement several times – ‘’My dog just doesn’t respond to my commands?’’ This is the main reason why.

Sending mixed signals

Another form of dog deception that most people do and is more damaging in the long run, is when you unintentionally tell your furry friend that you are satisfied with their behavior but you aren’t happy with them. Do you still give your dog that treat even when it fails to follow your commands?

If yes, then you are rewarding the dog for bad behavior since it didn’t follow your commands. Dogs are excellent at figuring out when they need to do to get good things and unacceptable behavior that leads to bad things.

For the reason, you should be clear in your intentions when dealing with dogs to ensure they are obedient. You should only give your furry friends affection only when they follow your commands.


If you notice your dog is rather docile, sleepy and doesn’t respond to your orders, you should visit the vet to check whether there’s an underlying health problem.

References: Cesarsway, Psychology Today, Dog Listener

Copyright: Local Value

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