Cats and Bacon

Can Cats Consume Bacon? Here Are The Facts 

Cats are carnivores by nature and that means they enjoy eating meat. Essentially, their bodies need meat. However, dogs are scavenging carnivores and that means they primarily eat meat but they can survive on plant diets when push comes to shove. But can cats eat bacon? More importantly, should they?

To answer the aforementioned questions, let’s first discuss what constitutes a bacon. Well, bacon is basically pork, and this is a versatile meat if you want to plan your dog’s diet. However, bacon is loaded with calories, fats, and sodium that your cats should only eat in small doses.

Is it healthy for cats to eat bacon?

So, should you allow your cats to eat bacon? Yes, it’s completely healthy. Nonetheless, they should only consume a small amount as mentioned earlier. Studies now show that ingesting bacon is likely to have adverse effects on your cat. Most cats, for instance as they age – sleep more often than they play or hunt. That means they need a proper nutrition profile that can help counteract their inactivity.

A cat has a sleeping schedule of 15 to 20 hours every day. This isn’t sufficient time for your cat to completely burn the calorie profile that exists in bacon. Bacon also contains a lot of fat and sodium, which is harmful for your cat when ingested in high doses.

Can you feed your cat turkey bacon?

Turkey bacon isn’t necessarily a healthy option as compared to the normal bacon, either. You should feed your cat small doses of turkey bacon as they are loaded with sodium and toxic preservatives.

Can your cat consume bacon bits?

Most people often ask, ‘’Is it okay to feed my cat bacon bits?’’ Again, you need to avoid all artificial bacon bits as they are over-processed, which means they are sodium laden products that can harm your cat’s overall health.

Can you give your cat bacon as treats?

If you decide to feed your cat bacon, what is the right time to feed them? You can feed your cat small bits of bacon as a reward after a trip to your vet. That means it’s only an occasional treat and not something you should do regularly.


When your cat unintentionally consumes a lot of bacon, it is likely to get stomach upset that could result in vomiting. If this happens, you should consult your vet as soon as possible.

References: Catster, Cuteness, Cancateat

Copyright: Local Value

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