Cat Weight Loss

Reasons for Cat Weight Loss 

While overweight cats are certainly on the rise, unexplained weight loss is also something to worry about for cat owners. Depending on what is causing your cat to lose weight, it’s likely that their appetite is entirely gone or significantly reduced. Lack of food can lead to anorexia and other risky health conditions. Learn the primary reasons why your cat is losing weight here below.

Dirty dishes

Are you serving the cat’s food on clean dishes? Cats can quickly get fussy about their food if it’s not appropriately served. For dry cat foods, store them in airtight containers to preserve freshness. Also, have clean water readily available and ensure to clean out the debris and hair that may fall into the eating blow.

Stress and anxiety

Cats under stress in their environments can stop eating, which can lead to significant weight loss. Some of the situations that could cause stress to your cats are excessive noise during mealtime and even placing the food near their litter box. If a cat fails to eat for more than one day, contact your vet so that they can run tests and rule out more significant health issues.

Gastrointestinal problems

Food allergies and other gastrointestinal issues could be the reason behind the unexpected slim-down. Roundworm infections are pretty common in cats, and they can get these infections either through drinking milk from their mother or through eating rodents. If your cats love bringing home rodents, then look through their feces for worms. Next, go to your vet for de-working medicine to quickly treat the problem.


As cats continue aging, they will likely have considerable changes in their overall weight. While certain senior cats become bigger and overweight, others often slim down. The culprits here are likely dental disease and a reduced feeling of smell. Elderly cats may also have metabolism changes or constipation that leads to a visible weight loss. Consult your vet regarding the best diet for your senior cat and book regular checkups to enable you to identify issues early. 


If you have eliminated the common cat weight loss explanations mentioned above, then consult your veterinarian for additional consultations. Your vet will conduct extensive tests to determine the reason for the weight loss, as it is a symptom of most cat diseases, like cancer. Nevertheless, it is best to identify and treat any health issues early on to ensure your cat lives a healthy life.

References: Web MD, Animal Planet, Animal Planet

Copyright: Local Value




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