Cat Eye Discharge

Learn About Cat Eye Discharge – and What You Should Do About it 

Let’s find out, shall we. 

What exactly is cat eye discharge? 

Typically, a cat will produce tears throughout and constantly throughout the day. Normally, the tears secreted often drain at the far corner of the eye without necessarily spilling over. But if something (may be a foreign particle) triggers an irritation to the eye, more tears than normal will be produced hence leading to them spilling over. And it may result to unsightly buggers if their normal pathway/drainage is blocked. 

1. Small amounts of eye discharge is most likely nothing to fret about

Technically, a normal cat eye ought not to have any kind or nature of ocular discharge, but this is rarely the case. Experts have observed that certain breeds of cats will show a clear discharge, which at times may be dry, crusty or light brown in color, especially in the morning or after your furry friend wakes from a nap. If this is the case, then it’s perfectly normal and it does not have to be anything to worry about. 

2. Certain breeds are predominantly more predisposed to discharge and eye buggers

Himalayans, Persians and other exotic breeds are genetically more prone to develop discharge than others due to the characteristic shape of their eyes. As you may already know, they have short noses, round and large eyes that may make them tear a lot more than other non-brachycephalic breeds. 

3. Always be on the lookout for abnormal cat eye discharge 

Often at times some types of eye discharge may be an indication of undiagnosed ophthalmic diseases and disorders such as conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers or entropion. Green or yellow discharge, for example, is not under any circumstances whatsoever normal. And if your cat begins to show more discharge (all of a sudden) than they normally would, then it is highly advisable to book an urgent appointment with the veterinarian as soon as possible. The vet will then carry out extensive and thorough tests to get to the bottom of what exactly is causing your pet’s abnormal eye discharge. 

4. Hygiene is very important

It is very important to make sure that your pet’s eye area is always clean and sterile to avoid chances of infection. Use a clean, soft and wet cloth to regularly wipe off boogers and discharge away from around the eye area. 

Sources: Webmd, Honestpaws, Petcarerx

Copyright: Local Value

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