Camping with your Dog

Is It Possible To Camp Safely With Your Dog?

Dogs love adventure and you can definitely take them with you for camping. They enjoy playing outdoors as this gives them an opportunity to explore nature. However, before you decide to take your dog with you camping, you need to keep a few things in mind. Let’s discuss some of the things you need to consider to make your camping eventful.

Consult your veterinarian

You need to take your dog to an accredited vet to determine fitness levels as this is important for spirited hiking and other outdoor activities. The vet will analyze your dog’s overall health and inject the vaccinations, as well as preventive medications required for camping, which includes tick, flea and heartworm prevention.

Besides ensuring your dog is fully accessed by the vet, you also need to pack a few basic pet medications as you prepare your camping trip. You can consider installing a microchip on your pet for easy identification if you are accidentally separated.

Pack all the essential canine necessities

Remember to carry with you all the basic essentials, including bowls, water, food, waste bags, and airtight containers. Dry kibble is an excellent option than carrying canned food, which often needs proper refrigeration after it’s opened. 

Store your pet snacks and food in airtight, waterproof containers to prevent attracting rodents. And never leave traces of food out in the open after your pet has finished eating. Keep your camping ground as clean as possible and remove all the waste.

Confinement options may come in handy

Besides carrying a sturdy harness or collar and identification tags, you should also pack a stake and tether. Confine your dog securely and safely inside the crate if you want to prevent them from roaming aimlessly in the wildlife. A curious puppy can easy tear apart your camping tent when it smells or hears a fascinating critter.

On the other hand, it can be easily lured astray by a stranger. While most pest listen to instructions at home, that training might not really work when camping due to high excitement levels.

Stock up on your entertainment essentials

To prevent your dog from making unnecessary noise when camping outdoors, bring distractions like toys filled with treats, food puzzles, or chew bones. These distractions will prevent your dog from becoming restless.


While camping outdoors with your dog is adventurous and fulfilling, you should always remember to pack a first aid kid. But in the event your dog accidentally gets injured, you should visit the vet immediately.

References: AAHA, KOA, ROVER

Copyright: Local Value

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