4th of July and your Pet

Ways To Keep Your Pets Safe On The 4th Of July

While the 4th of July is a great day for fireworks, friends and plenty of food, for our cherished pets, it can seem like an alien invasion! After the 4th of July celebrations, animal shelters are usually the busiest as pets often panic and escape the loud noises and bright lights common during these celebrations. Here are ways to keep your pets safe during this stressful day.

Keep your pets away from crowds

You should keep your pets from parades and super crowded gatherings where there are a lot of activities happening. Loud noises, scorching heat and tightly packed spaces can be stressful to your pets and can affect their health as well.

You should leave them with toys in a secure room and ensure they have plenty of drinking water. Avoid bringing your pets near firework to prevent them from running away.

Exercise them out

Ensure your pets get plenty of exercise at home so that they will be worn out by night. An active play session and exercises will help minimize your pets anxiety and stress levels. In fact, your pets can sleep through the firework celebrations after a day of exercises.

Keep them indoors during the celebrations

Before the fireworks start you should keep your pets indoors in a comfortable spot. Close all the windows and lower the blinds, or offer them a cozy resting place where they can relax while playing with a chew toy. You can turn on your radio or tv to mask the loud noises outside.

Invest in an anti-anxiety coat or wrap

Limiting your pets movements will make them feel calm throughout the festivities and that is why you can consider investing in an anti-anxiety coat or wrap. Alternatively, you can create one by yourself with a scarf. The idea behind this is to ensure your pets are safe and calm during the celebrations, which prevents them from being scared.

Consider giving them anti-anxiety pills

If your pets stress easily, you can consult your vet about anti-anxiety pills and other helpful remedies that can aid in relaxation. Fortunately, there are many effective homeopathic and prescription solutions designed specifically for pets. They can help provide the relaxation your pet needs to deal with the festivities.


As mentioned earlier, fireworks can be scary for cats and dogs. But if your pets get injured accidentally when they run haphazardly looking for safe refuge during the celebrations, you should visit the vet immediately.

References: Found Animals, Dog Time, ASPCA

Copyright: Local Value

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