Just like it is important for us, it is also important for our pets to stay on top of their vaccines and immunizations. Below is a list of the 5 top reasons vaccinations are important for pets: It is essential for your pets’ health and long happy life. Vaccines can effectively prevent serious canine diseases…
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Ear Care for Dogs
Keeping a dog’s ears clean is an essential part of grooming and hygiene routine, and it can reduce the chances of ear infections. Because dogs don’t have straight ear canals, it is easy for debris and bacteria to accumulate inside the ear and create problems. In order to clean the external ear canal of your…
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5 Easy Steps to Reduce Veterinary Expenses
See your veterinary often - this will ensure that you don’t have to spend money fixing a major problem when it happens. The price of wellness exams is nothing compared to the price of fixing a critical problem. Observe your pet’s behavior – changes in appetite, toilet habits and water intake all can be a…
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How to Teach Your Dog to Balance a Treat on Their Nose
Watch this 4-minute video to learn how to teach your dog to balance a treat on his nose. https://youtu.be/hUYAEhm8YiI
Here is a quick tutorial:
- First teach the dog impulse control by holding a hand full of delicious food and asking the dog to leave the food alone until you tell him to get it.
- When your dog looks away, mark and reward the behavior with a consistent sound of “yes”
- Mark and reward your dog ‘s behavior when it chooses to look away from an open hand. Then repeat this by holding the treat with 2 fingers.
- Hold the treat in a closed feast right in front of a dog’s nose. Wait until the dog stops sniffing to reward his behavior. Do the same thing by holding the treat in 2 fingers.
- Finally, you should be able to balance the treat on top of the dog’s nose.
Top 5 Fourth of July Pet Safety Tips
Keep your pets away from the BBQ grills that can easily burn them. Animals should never have access to chocolate or alcohol. Never leave alcohol or chocolate unattended where pets can reach it. Never use fireworks around pets! Even unused fireworks can pose a danger as many contain potentially toxic substances, including arsenic and heavy…
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Senior Pets
Did you know that cats and dogs are usually considered “senior” at 7 years of age? Larger breeds of dogs are even considered senior at 5 years old. That being said, it is important to remember that not only is your pet’s coat color getting greyer, but also your pet’s organ systems are changing as…
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Kitten Care 101
So you made the big decision of bringing a new kitten home. Now what? It is important that you take the steps necessary to maintain your kitten healthy, and ensure that you enjoy this experience to the fullest, as kittens are not kittens forever! Preventing kitten diseases and paradises: Take your kitten to a review…
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Funny Cats Compilation Video
Cats are brave, independent, loving, friendly and even funny. Watch this video to laugh a bit and fall even more in love with your cats (or to convince yourself to adopt one if you haven’t done so yet!).