National Mutt Day 2016: Adopting A Mixed Breed

If you are looking for a new addition to the family and are entertaining owning a dog, you should really consider adopting a lovable mixed breed. There are lots of benefits to choosing a mixed breed dog over a purebred dog. There are lot’s of reasons to own a mutt and the first thing that comes to mind is longer lives.

Mixed breed dogs are known to live longer and end up having healthier lives than their purebred counterparts. Purebreds are prone to breed-specific diseases and conditions. Mutts are usually healthier due to driving for a more diverse gene pool than a Purebred dog.  It’s possible you won’t have to deal with complications later in life with purebred dogs, dealing with higher risks of cancer or tumors, heart disease, and neurological diseases. Not that purebreds will necessarily get these type of complications, just bringing them to your attention.

Mutts can be the perfect pet and come in all kinds of sizes and shapes.  They get a bad rap.  People say things like “Why were the dogs in the shelter anyways.” or “You just can’t trust a shelter dog because you don’t know their history.” Well, owning a mutt from the shelter means your new companion is probably housebroken, obedient, and knows a few commands. Mutts love harder than purebreds and many agree with that.

Mutts are truly one of a kind.

If you are going to save a life, it’s a great feeling. A mutt is an amazing canine companion. Also, one less purebred bought from breeders is one less mutt that is on the street.

Share and spread the word about National Mutt Day this year. You might save a mutts life.
Call us and ask us any questions you may have to see if a mutt is right for you.

SOURCE: Pet Health Network

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