How to Celebrate the New Year with Your Pet

Pets might not be able to speak, but they express their joy in an easily understandable manner. A dog will bark and wag its tail while running uncontrollably while a cat will purr and walk away feeling like the winner in that given situation. On a serious note, as most vets say, the emotional welfare of your pet is as equally important as its physical well-being.

Your Pet And The New Year

Here are some of the ways you can make this New Year’s a memorable one for your pet.

  1. Playdate
    Just as we enjoy the company of a friend or a neighbor ever once in a while, so do our pets when they see their fellow species. However, not all pets will be friendly with each other, so make sure they are compatible. Don’t ask your friend who owns a lizard to come over for some pet bonding if your pet is a spider.
  2. Out with the Old, in with the New
    Do you see the excitement on a child’s face when you hand them a new toy? The same feeling is felt by our pets whenever we decide to buy them something new. However, too many old toys do not help with growth or new experiences. Clean out the old toys and make space for the new ones as you usher in the New Year with your pet.
  3. Make Resolutions Together
    Instead of making self-centered resolutions this coming year, include your pet in your plans. Heck, you can sit down and drink some milk while asking for their opinion. While they might not respond verbally, they will surely be excited by the idea of a road trip to the countryside in February.
  4. Exercise
    While it may be a celebration in itself, the New Year is the beginning of another cycle. Use New Year’s Eve as the time to get some exercise with your pet so that you g plenty of rest at night. Not to mention, it is also the ideal time to shed off all the Christmas holiday weight.

SOURCES: Adopt A Pet, Pet Health Network, Pet Guide   
COPYRIGHT: Local Value

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