5 Labor Day Tips for Pets

It’s not just humans who love the summer. Our pets love the summer just as much as we do. Our dogs love to bask in the sun as much as swimming, running or just enjoying a nap in the yard with the family. There are some tips to make sure your Memorial Day doesn’t get out of hand.

  1. Think twice about giving that bone to your dog

While it’s very tempting, it can also be life-threatening. Along with bones, BBQ bits, like gristle and fat should never be given to your dog. Certain breeds and dogs that are overweight are subject to pancreatitis.

  1. Make sure your pet has plenty of fresh water and shade

Our pets, especially dogs, get much thirstier than we do when they get hot, and other than panting and drinking, they really have no way to cool themselves down. Get your pet in the shade as often as possible. While dogs and cats like to sunbathe, direct sunlight can overheat them (especially dogs) and cause heat stroke.

  1. Never ever leave your pet in the car

It can take minutes – yes, MINUTES – for a pet to develop heat stroke and suffocate in a car. Most people don’t realize how hot it gets in parked cars.

  1. Keep pets away from fireworks

For us, fireworks are the highlight of the night, however, many pets are terrified of them. The loud noises and bright lights easily scare pets, which will make them want to get as far away as possible. Fireworks are also harmful to pets even when they’re not lit, as they contain hazardous chemicals.

  1. Make sure your pup has his ID tag on

We love bringing our pets places, it means we get to spend more time with them! However, when you bring your pet to an outing, be sure they are wearing their collar with up-to-date ID tags just in case they wander off. It never hurts to be careful.

SOURCE: Pet Health Network
COPYRIGHT: Local Value

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