10 Poison Pills for Pets

Anyone who takes medication that has not been prescribed to them puts himself or herself at risk or illness or even death. Below is a list of the 10 pills that are often found in our households and can put our pets’ lives at risk.

  • Ibuprofen – can cause stomach ulcers and kidney failure.
  • Tramadol – can cause sedation or agitation, wobbliness, disorientation, vomiting, tremors and possibly seizures.
  • Alprazolam – can drop the blood pressure and could cause weakness or collapse.
  • Adderall – causes elevated heart rate and body temperature, along with hyperactivity, tremors and seizures
  • Zolpidem – may make cats wobbly and sleepy, but most pets become very agitated and develop elevated heart rates.
  • Clonezepam – can lower the blood pressure, leading to weakness or collapse.
  • Naproxen – Dogs and cats are very sensitive to naproxen and even small amounts can cause stomach ulcers and kidney failure.
  • Acetaminophen – Can cause liver damage. It can also cause damage to your pet’s red blood cells so that the cells are unable to carry oxygen
  • Duloxetine – can cause agitation, vocalization, tremors and seizures.
  • Veniafaxine – can cause agitation, vocalization, tremors and seizures.

Keep your pet safe by always keeping human medications away from your pets. Do not leave pills sitting on counter, or within reach of your pet. And finally, always keep your pet’s veterinary’s number handy.


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