Category Archives: Holiday

Halloween Safety Tips

The unusual activities that surround Halloween can be stressful for your pets. Here is how you can minimize that and keep them safe.

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5 Important Pet Health Tips to Ring In The New Year

As a pet owner, you should ask yourself what you can do to keep your pets health in check. And what better time to do it than the New Year! Here are 5 Important Pet Health Tips you can use as a checklist to make sure your pet is happy and healthy for many, many,…
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Pet Friendly Thanksgiving Foods

Thanksgiving is almost here and while we are busy preparing for the festive holiday, there are some precautions to look after when it comes to pet safety. Thinking of keeping your pets safe isn't exactly the first priority you think about on a holiday but the food that falls on the floor may be toxic…
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Adopting A K-9 Veteran This Veterans Day

With all the talk about adopting senior dogs this month, you might consider adopting a k-9 veteran this Veterans Day. Most people don't think about "dogs of war" but they are just as brave and courageous as our troops and deserve to be put into wonderful homes when they retire. Most people think of “attack…
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5 Labor Day Tips for Pets

It’s not just humans who love the summer. Our pets love the summer just as much as we do. Our dogs love to bask in the sun as much as swimming, running or just enjoying a nap in the yard with the family. There are some tips to make sure your Memorial Day doesn’t get out…
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Pet Advice: What July 4th Means To Your Pet

July 4th Usually, you get together with your friends and family on Fourth of July, right? You might have a picnic or a little backyard BBQ, relax and maybe go see some fireworks. That might sound like a good time to you, however, all of the Fourth of July festivities can terrify your pets. Pay…
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