Monthly Archives: March 2016

How to Bring a New Cat Into Your Home

How to Bring a New Cat Into Your Home Are you considering adding a new meowy ball of fur to your household? Owning more than one cat can be fun, and at the same time frustrating if they don’t get along. Cats are territorial by nature and do not naturally form bonds with all other…
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Irish Breeds to Bring You Luck This St.Patrick’s Day

Irish Breeds to Bring You Luck This St.Patrick's Day St. Patrick’s Day is here and everyone is looking for their lucky leprechaun on the other side of the rainbow with a pot of gold. Since that probably won’t happen, We have rounded up 5 of the cutest Irish dog breeds In honor St. Patrick's Day!…
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Reading Your Dog’s Body Language

Reading Your Dog's Body Language Since dogs can’t talk to us, they have to rely on other ways to communicate with us such as vocalizations,, body gestures and postures. They have to rely on these communication to let other dogs and people know how they are feeling, especially if they feel stressed, frightened or threatened.…
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Poison Prevention and Your Pet

Poison Prevention and Your Pet March is National Poison Prevention Week. What originally began as a way to spread awareness about poisoning in people, evolved into a great way to spread awareness about poisoning prevents for your pets too! Is it Common for a Pet to be Poisoned? Poisoning is a very common reason that…
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