Monthly Archives: March 2015

10 Poison Pills for Pets

Anyone who takes medication that has not been prescribed to them puts himself or herself at risk or illness or even death. Below is a list of the 10 pills that are often found in our households and can put our pets’ lives at risk. Ibuprofen - can cause stomach ulcers and kidney failure. Tramadol…
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Do Dogs Go Through Adolescence?

Do They Need a Special Diet While Growing Up? Dogs definitely go through adolescence and require a special diet to ensure they stay energetic and healthy as they mature. According to Dr. Jeff Werber canine development goes like this: “puppies experience a Rapid Growth Phase somewhere between 8 and 18-20 weeks of age.  They seem…
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It’s Bath Time!

Some dogs love to bath…others would do ANYTHING to avoid it! How does your dog react? Watch this hilarious video with dog’s reaction to this ordinary daily human activity.